
Fastsigns Kingston Welcomes New Team Members

Author: FASTSIGNS® Kingston Upon Thames

FASTSIGNS® Kingston upon Thames has welcomed Matthew King and Mark Noot into the sales team.Matthew king


Matthew has over 18 years experience in the signage industry. Having run his own signage business in South Africa before moving to the UK, he is highly knowledgeable of the whole sign making the process from consultation through to production and installation.

Mark Noot


Mark brings a wealth of knowledge with him having worked within the FASTSIGNS network for several years.  He has a keen eye for detail and works closely with his clients to complete their signage projects.

With these valuable new additions to the team, we hope to widen our customer base by continuing to offer high quality signage and graphics services to new prospects. We believe that this transition in our sales team will be seamless for our existing customers and new clients as both Matthew and Mark are personable and highly qualified.

We are able to produce and install a wide range of bespoke signage from banners to larger exterior building signs, and everything in between to the highest of standards. We have a highly dedicated and experienced team. FASTSIGNS® Kingston is Safe Contractor Approved and we offer G7 compliant printing ensuring that we will be able to provide an efficient, high-quality service to local businesses.

Request a quote here or if you would like to arrange an appointment with a member of our sales team to discuss your upcoming signage project please give us a ring on (020) 383-5331 x9.