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Safety Signs Inside Your Facility

Author: FASTSIGNS® Hammersmith

With more businesses opening up again and employees returning to work, make sure your facility is ready to keep your visitors safe. Signage is a great way to direct traffic, communicate messages and be used as reminders.

Here are a few signage ideas that might help you safely return to business:

Social Distancing MessageSocial Distancing Message - We’ve seen this messaging for a while now, but with more people returning it would be a good idea to remind people of this message. Social distancing messages can be displayed as window graphics, visible before entering your office or shop. And inside, the use of Autopop Totems, Pull up banners and wall signs can help remind people to keep a safe distance.

Direct Foot Traffic

Direct Foot Traffic - Help prevent foot traffic getting condensed in areas by using anti-slip floor graphics to navigate and map out a system. This will help reduce the number of interactions between people and remind them to observe social distancing practices.

Hand Washing & Procedure Signs

Hand Washing & Procedure Signs - With employees returning to work and sharing facilities, encourage them to stay on top of strict hygiene procedures. By displaying hand washing signs reminding them, will help your staff and customers feel safe within the environment. Put up small signs and decals in bathrooms and break rooms reminding employees that one of the best ways to stay healthy is to carefully wash their hands.

Prevention Notices

Prevention Notices - A simple but effective measure. By clearly indicating expected behaviours on safety-type signage can help people understand what is expected of them and inform them how to behave. Displaying this information in the universally recognisable safety format of blue signage, with pictorial demonstrations of behaviour and limited but informative text, ensures all members of society recognise that they should take heed of these notices.

Prevention NoticesSneeze Screens - When dealing with the public, protect your employees by using non-invasive sneeze screens. It can reduce the spread of infection in schools, offices and serving counters.

Badges and Stickers

Badges and Stickers - Help kids of a young age by creating fun stickers they can wear to remind themselves and others to keep the required distance. It is also an effective way when returning to work to wear on your commute to act as a silent but persistent reminder. Messages can be bright and encouraging as well as informative to spread awareness and hopefully a smile.

Digital Communication

Digital Communication - Utilise digital signs to keep employees updated with the latest information and keep customers in the know during their shopping experience. Easy to update with latest news and opening hours and how they can stay in touch if needed. Signs can be fitted in shop or office windows to be visible to passerbys or inside the facility to communicate with visitors.

Focus on Reducing and ConservingFocus on Reducing and Conserving - Suppliers may face challenges in securing supplies readily available before. Hang posters and signs in production areas, supply closets and copy rooms to remind your team to stay mindful of how they use office resources in order to conserve items for a longer time period.