The Challenge:
ALTER, a creative agency based in central London, had a client who wanted to bring Rio to London. They hired a space above a pub for an event with a Brazilian theme – but the area was in desperate need of a transformation to make it an attractive, inviting venue for those who attended.
The Solution:
We are proud of the role we played in bringing a little corner of Rio to London – and doing such a top job that the venue in question kept our materials in place after the event was over!
The area requiring most attention was the staircase accessing the venue. We decided to decorate them in the style of the Escadaria Selaron, the famous set of steps in Rio.
Because of the poor quality of the stairs, they could not be simply wrapped in floor vinyl. Our inventive solution was to apply foam PVC panels to the front of the stairs with a vinyl overlay, which also wrapped the metal protectors on the staircase to give a neat finish.

In the room itself we installed a large Dibond back panel, with a full colour vinyl print photograph on the front to enhance the theme of the event. This panel was also used as a backdrop for a photo-shoot.
We completed the Brazilian look and feel of the room by installing other floor graphics around the space.
The Result:
The space was duly transformed and the event itself was a big success. In addition, the pub in question liked the finish so much that, although this was meant to be a temporary installation, they kept it. So FASTSIGNS® Hammersmith effectively transformed the pub too!
"I just wanted to let you know that the venue want to keep the stairs – which is amazing. They think they look brilliant!" – Nicole Mary Cole (Senior Account Manager)
*FASTSIGNS® Hammersmith, London is owned by Friederike and Simon Slee.